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Excess Sewer Flow Detection,
Central State University

The campus at Central State University was suddenly seeing a large increase in reported sewer flows (and more importantly, increased bills) from the treatment facility. The bills were essentially twice to three times what had been typical in the past, so Norton Engineering was called in to quickly locate the problem and recommend a solution.
Norton staff spent several days on site investigating flows in sewer loops throughout campus, and provided a preliminary inflow and infiltration (I&I) report to the client. During the investigation, Norton could not account for any unusual flows that would explain the tripling of volume. Since there didn't seem to be a physical problem while we conducted our study, we recommended the next steps should be to check the accuracy of the parshall flume flow meter and modify it to record the minute by minute data to see if there would be any unusual spikes throughout the day.

The City, which owned the parshall flume meter, was also interested in correcting the high billing problem for the university. Norton suggested that an inspection and calibration of the parshall flume might be in order. When the city made this field inspection they found large rubble in the flume which was causing high readings. Now the University is enjoying regular monthly bills again. parshall flume
Parshall Flume

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